Self Reflect

1 min readJan 1, 2021


Hi! It’s already 2021 and I hope you enjoyed your 1/365.

2020 is a roller coaster year. Too many ups and downs that happened in one year. Not going to say this year is the worst because I’m sure there’s one (or more) that we can be grateful for. I’m blessed that this year I’ve completed my degree and two days before the year ended I got an offer. I believe that God’s plan is perfect.

For me, 2020 is a reflective year. So this year I learned a lot about self-development. Started to learn mindfulness and tried to do journaling. Even this year I’m starting to care about my inner child. I learned how to checking and reconnecting with my own self. This thing that I didn’t know before but somehow I need it.

The human body is incredibly adaptable. If we look back to the first day where the world suddenly changes, it seems impossible for us to face the year but we did. We survived. Even we’re doing well till today.

So remember we survived before and we’ll do it again.

